“I am filled with great sympathy for Mzia Amaglobeli. We, as a society, are also victims. We got to this situation together. I’ve heard many positive things about her. Whatever happened, happened. I do not believe we in Georgia are debating whether or not to slap each other, even the police officer. At the same time, as a single person, I anticipate great humanity,” remarked Vasil Maghlaperidze, the Chairman of the Georgian Public Broadcaster’s Board of Trustees, in an interview with GPB’s ‘Aktualuri Tema’ (Actual Topic) program.
According to him, all First Channel employees stand in solidarity, and society should strive for reconciliation and mutual understanding.
“I wish the First Channel could do something and that displaying placards and cursing at us would assist in settling the problem. Fine, if it helps, but I believe this issue should be handled by striking a balance between humanity, forgiveness, and justice.
Let’s say directly what concerns people – one is the standard of justice. Let’s use this for our common country, not for political purposes. Let’s not slap each other, not spit in each other’s dishes, and not curse each other’s mothers. The blame placed on the First Channel for this issue should be on the conscience of those who do this. First Channel journalists are behaving very dignifiedly and will continue to do so. If the First Channel has the slightest ability, everyone should be assured that it will take every necessary step.
This is a great pain for First Channel journalists, and they want the situation solved on humane terms. However, we are also stating that we should not slap each other. I am filled with this optimism.
As previously said, the First Channel will always do its best. Even if I wasn’t present, this would not require a board or parity. We’re not in kindergarten to lecture people. It is not essential because the major collective is already present,” remarked Vasil Maghlaperidze.
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees believes that “increasing the temperature will not help to solve the situation.”
“Let us hope that humanism wins inside us and that we return to the human ideals from which we have wandered off little. We need to return to human principles in time,” said Vasil Maghlaperidze.