“Former Soviet states seek change of the legal government in Georgia, I mean three countries of the Baltics, which are members of the European Union. They are interested in Georgia’s being a weapon against Russia,” said Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili.
“These three post-Soviet states have their fears of Russia and instead of coping with those fears or fighting, they try to avoid it with the hands of other countries or shifting Russia’s attention to other issues,” he said.
According to the Speaker, the governments of several countries give platform to the Georgian opposition and non-governmental organizations, which have turned to be “Estonian NGOs.”
“Sanctions were imposed during the visit of representatives of the opposition and NGOs to the capitals of the Baltic states. Frivolous Estonian Foreign Minister has no idea about the names and surnames of police officers in Georgia. This list is likely compiled by the Estonian NGO – Transparency International, on behalf of their government, of individuals who are acting in Georgia on behalf of Estonian or other governments to undermine the Georgian government,” the Speaker said.