“On March 8, International Women’s Day, we join the international community with the theme ‘For All Women and Girls: Rights, equality, strengthening,” wrote Georgian Public Defender Levan Ioseliani on Facebook.
The Public Defender calls on the government to intensify efforts and take steps to ensure the protection of women’s rights in the country.
“Women play a crucial role in our country’s development. Their work, efforts and courage create a fairer and more equal society. Despite this, the challenge remains acute, including family violence and violence on gender signs, economic barriers, obstacles in career growth, fight against stereotypes, legal rights of women, accessibility to services, etc.
In this regard, the abolishment of compulsory gender quotas by the Georgian parliament as well as the gender equality-related legislative package of amendments are noteworthy amid the situation when women daily face visible or invisible barriers both in political and public life.
The Public Defender calls on the government to intensify efforts and take tangible steps to ensure the protection of women’s rights in the country,” Levan Ioseliani wrote.